# Uniswap Pairs

Uniswap pairs are liquidity aggregators on the Uniswap protocol that enable users to exchange tokens. They are constituted of two (hence pair) ethereum tokens.

# Uniswap pair attributes

# address

The address of the pair on.

# summaries

Pair summaries represent the aggregated data for a pair over a specific time interval (day, hour, minute). They include the following attributes:

  • interval: The time interval for which the data is aggregated (day, hour, minute)
  • starts_at: The starting timestamp of the interval
  • volume: The total volume traded in the pair during the interval
  • min_price: The minimum price of the pair during the interval
  • max_price: The maximum price of the pair during the interval
  • opening_price: The price of the pair at the start of the interval
  • closing_price: The price of the pair at the end of the interval
  • swaps_count: The number of swaps that occurred in the pair during the interval
  • average_gas_price: The average gas price of the swaps in the pair during the interval