Uniswap Pairs
Uniswap pairs are liquidity aggregators on the Uniswap protocol that enable users to exchange tokens. They are constituted of two (hence pair) ethereum tokens.
Uniswap pair attributes
The address of the pair on.
Pair summaries represent the aggregated data for a pair over a specific time interval (day, hour, minute). They include the following attributes:
- interval: The time interval for which the data is aggregated (day, hour, minute)
- starts_at: The starting timestamp of the interval
- volume: The total volume traded in the pair during the interval
- min_price: The minimum price of the pair during the interval
- max_price: The maximum price of the pair during the interval
- opening_price: The price of the pair at the start of the interval
- closing_price: The price of the pair at the end of the interval
- swaps_count: The number of swaps that occurred in the pair during the interval
- average_gas_price: The average gas price of the swaps in the pair during the interval